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Cluster preparation

Let's make sure that our cluster is ready to host our operator and have the required following items below in place.

Ingress controller

The Formance Operator requires an ingress controller to be present on the cluster. The recommended ingress controller is Traefik, which is also the one used by Formance Cloud. SSL will need to be enabled, either on the ingress controller itself or on a load balancer in front of it.


As the Formance Operator will create standard Ingress objects to be picked up, alternative ingress controllers can work just as great but might require additional configuration not covered in this setup guide.

Certificates management

The operator requires Cert-Manager to run, and to be available on the cluster prior to installing the operator. Make sure to install it now if it's not already set up on your cluster.


Default installations of cert-manager should have resources being shown when listed with kubectl get all -n cert-manager

Stateful dependencies

In order to function properly, stacks deployed within your private region will need the following stateful dependencies.


Version 2.6 or higher with Jetstream is required.

The recommended way to spin up a NATS deployment is through the official NATS helm chart.


Depending on your setup, you may need to activate Jetsream mode on your NATS deployment manually. Jetstream is required for the resources deployed by the Formance Operator to function properly.


Version 14 or higher is required.

The recommended way to spin up a PostgreSQL deployment is to use your cloud provider's managed services. It is recommended to start with a small instance and scale up as needed, starting with for example a db.m4.large sizing on AWS.


Version 7.10 or higher is required.

The recommended way to spin up an Elasticsearch / OpenSearch deployment is to use your cloud provider's managed service, or Elastic Cloud itself.


If using Elastic Cloud, make sure to use a deployment in a network with low latency to your cluster.

Temporal (optional)


Using Temporal is only required for stacks using the flows service. It can be ommitted now if you don't plan on using it yet, and added at a later time.

The recommended way to spin up a Temporal deployment is through Temporal Cloud, or by using the official Temporal helm chart.


Before moving on to the next step, make sure that you have:

  • Set up an ingress controller, with SSL enabled
  • Installed cert-manager (or had it already installed)
  • Deployed the required stateful dependencies

With these steps completed, we can now move on to deploying the Formance Operator.